Friday, March 21, 2008


Living Epistles known and read of all men
by Bob and Sharon Moffat

Everytime we attend a meeting where there is a childlike expectation for the Spirit of Jesus to come and walk among us as He did among the golden church lampstands (Rev.1), He is always faithful to bring the Kingdom near – always.

God’s presence more than anything is “the” defining element when we gather, and because of that, the subject matter we share and discuss is animated with His power and creative purpose beyond the capabilities we carry in and of ourselves. And since we gathered in His name, and since God visited us, ministry with the poor in the context of the Kingdom became paramount.

The Lord’s directive to us was by the Spirit, not because all the right words were said by honorable people, but because we labored together with Him. It was truly a joy to see everyone look to the speakers and to each other to hear the Lord’s voice.

I must say that the format of the meeting kept the normal distractions and hype from getting in the way, which let a beautiful kind of flow of friendship and kindred spirit make it’s way about during the workshop and fellowship times.

It was beautiful to watch.

Seeing and meeting Jackie and Margaret, also had a big impact on Sharon and I. Perhaps this was a once in a lifetime chance to see those chosen saints. I know Jackie absolutely does not like being the center of attention, but I kept hearing in my spirit the apostle Paul’s statement “…we have become a spectacle to the world, both to men and angels” (1 Cor.4:9).

Like many, I have read the Bible, and all the good deeper life books, and listened/watched endless hours of media on various topics of being a fruitful Christian. But the generation before me did not know the ways of God, and consequently, they passed down nothing of the kingdom to me the way Jesus demonstrated it to the apostles, and the way they devoted themselves to passing it along to those after them. So, much of my journey has been spent trying to figure out what the true scriptural kingdom of God looks like in real life in my generation and culture.

I have read and watched/listened to media about Jackie’s story and journey, and how by grace and great favor, she lived out the sermon on the mount and became the incarnate Word to those around her. And now to meet her face to face after all these years, I see that she is a chosen spectacle to the world of how God demonstrates His unchangeableness, and how He wants all of us to live and move and have our being in Him – with abandonment. She is a living epistle, known and read by all men, “written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the Living God” (2 Cor.3:2-3).

We walked away from the Non-Con seeing how God wants us to be living epistles to each other, because it goes way beyond our mental ability and resolve to find and apply all the bible facts and principles to do what He only can do as He daily writes upon our hearts “… not with ink, but with the Spirit of the Living God”.

Bob and Sharon Moffat

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